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Teaching Support for Participants

First, we will provide you with the necessary written/oral resources and instructions.

When you see all the activities you are expected to do in this project, you might think it is going to be hard but that is not true. Working collaboratively actually makes things easier and more pleasurable, besides we will be guiding you step by step, so don´t worry.


These are some of the steps we will follow to guide you through the project:



Second, we will be available to give answers to your questions about the project. You will have the possibility to contact us through the chat of the virtual resource center or e-mail.


Third, we will give you a checklist for you to remember all the steps you need to take through the project and the order in which you need to develop the different activities.



Fourth, specific tutorials on video design and production will be provided together with the description of the tasks so that you have a clear idea of the procedure for the final product.


  • Fifth, you will have access to specific Language workshops on listening/ speaking and reading/writing skills exercises to support your project tasks.

Sixth, we will be watching that all the members keep participating and helping each other.

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